Created upon the decision of AIBA Extraordinary Congress in Chicago 2007.
On January 17, 2009, Madrid hosted EUBC General Assembly which adopted EUBC Constitution, approved the composition of Executive Committee and EC Bureau, EUBC permanent commissions.
On November 2, 2010, during AIBA Ordinary Congress in Almaty, Dr. Humbert Furgoni (France) was re-elected as AIBA Vice-President from European continent and thus, maintained his position of President of European Boxing Confederation, which new composition of the Executive Committee was elected at EUBC General Assembly, held on November 3 in Almaty.
On the decision of AIBA Extraordinary Congress Chicago 2007, EABA Executive Committee on its meeting in Paris (01.12.2007) took decision of the reorganization of European Amateur Boxing Association (EABA) into European Boxing Confederation. EABA was reorganized in 1970 from AIBA European Continental Bureau, created in 1967 on the decision of AIBA Congress in Rome in 1966. EABA had united amateur boxers from Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Scotland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Wales, Yugoslavia.
ЕАBА Presidents:
1967—1975 Nikifirov-Denisov Nikolay (USSR)
1975—1978 Hoffman Hans (Netherlands)
1979—1986 Restout Bernard (France)
1986—1990 Haw Clive John (Great Britain)
1990—2006 Jechev Emil (Bulgaria)
2006—2007 Khusainov Eduard (Russia)
2007— 2008 Murov Evgeny (Russia)
Possibility of extraordinary congresses. 10 Ordinary and 2 Extraordinary Congresses have been held.
1 - 1970. Моscow (USSR). Creation of European Association. Adoption of the Statutes. President Elections. N. Nikifirov-Denisov (USSR) is elected as EABA President.
2 - 1974. Edinburg (Scotland). Decision on classification of EABA international tournaments – A, B, C and development of events calendar. Elections of Vice-Presidents: R. Lisowsky (Poland), H. Warren (England), E. Jechev (Bulgaria). Discussion on financial support of EABA international tournaments.
3 - 1978. Neptun (Romania). Report of all commissions. Amendments to the Statutes. New President elections. Mr. J. Hoffman (Netherlands) is elected as President until 1982. Vice-Presidents elected: E. Jechev (Bulgaria), G. Guriev (Romania), H. Warren (England).
Extraordinary Congress - 1979. Кoln (FRG). Clarification of financial matters. Participation of European teams at Olympic Games 1980.
4 - 1982. Nice (France). New President Elections. Bernard Restout (France) is elected as President until 1986. Vice-Presidents elected: K.-H. Wer (GDR), E. Jechev (Bulgaria), G. Guriev (Romania).
5 - 1986. Halle (GDR). Clive Haw (Great Britain) is elected as President. Vice-presidents: E. Jechev (Bulgaria), D. Ivanovic (Yugoslavia), B. Idziak (Poland).
6 - 1990. Nicosia (Cyprus). 85 delegates from 29 countries. Report of Executive Committee and its re-elections. Approval of the events calendar for 1991 – 1994.
E. Jechev is elected as EABA President.
7 - 1994. Аntalya (Тurkey). Discussion and decision on personnel and orgnanizational issues.
8 - 1998. Constanta (Romania). E. Jechev is reelected as EABA President.
9 - 2002. Yalta (Ukraine). Attendance of 88 delegates from 38 countries. Emil Jechev is reelected again as President.
Extraordinary Congress - 2006. Prague (Czech Republic). The necessity for call of an Extraordinary Congress was explained by dissatisfaction of EABA Board governance expressed by several National Federations: non compliance with EABA Statutes, numerous abuses of power and total ignorance of National Federations’ opinions. The agenda included the question of total reelection of a Executive Board of EABA. Eduard Khusainov (Russia) is elected as President.
10 - 2006. Моscow (Russia). Due to call in question of the legitimacy of Extraordinary Congress in Prague, it was decided to call an Ordinary Congress in Moscow. This Congress confirmed the previous decision in regards of the election of Eduard Khusainov as President. Former President E. Jechev became Honorary President of EABA.
Based on Encyclopedia "Boxing", Russian Boxing Federation and publishing house "Person", 2nd edition, 2010.
Our sincere acknowledgments to the authors - V. A. Markov and V. L. Sheitenbach for granted materials.